Thursday, September 28, 2006


Do you know ASIMO?
My co-worker has brought to some cookies of ASIMO. He is a humanoid robot which is able to go upstairs. As for myself, I had seen his walking once before in some kind of show. Do you know he is Japanese ???? He is produced by Japanese automobile manufacture HONDA, and still been getting improvement.

He is named ASIMO with meaning of "Advanced Step in Innovative MObility". We have another meaning in Japanese.
in Japanese
Asi means "legs"
mo means "too,also"

According to the official web site, he is tuning &years old on this coming Oct31. In Suzuka he gonna have a birthday Party!! When I was a kid, on 21th century I would imagine Robots could do anything as human, for example doing homework insted of me, hehehe. Now still we have many things which only human can do.

ASIMO official web site in English

ASIMO official web site in Japanese


Anonymous said...

ASIMO's pretty cool.

kazumi said...

Thank you for your comment!
Yes, he is so cool!

ReyLynda said...

WOW this is so neat! I love the website...I'd like to put some information about this on my site also, some of the people who read my blog are very interested in robots!

Thank you for sharing this great information! I remember when I was a little girl I wondered if we would ever have robot friends.....looks like it came true!

Anonymous said...

Is ASIMO also a reference to Isaac Asimov?

kazumi said...

Thank you for your comments.

I am sure you like him! And still now I want to get a robot friend!

I sdon't know about Isaac Asimov. But I guess so.