Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Memories in Mexico ~Boda! Boda! Boda!

The word "Boda" means wedding party in Mexico. Actually I went to Mexico for my friend'S BODA. "Wow, It is very first time for me to attend non-Japanese wedding"

MUY INTERESANTE!!!!(very interesting!)

It started from chatedral. So serious.Even I couldn't understand spanish the prist and couple saying. It was touching. The weather was perfect.

At night , the boda started. It continued until 2 am. Wow it won't happen in Japan. I could find many difference between Japanese style and Mexican. Great experience.

Dance! Dance! Dance! Music Music Music.
This is the Mexican wedding.(Actually we usually don't dance in Japanese wedding. When I told mexican people about it, everyone asked me "why not???" I don't know why.....)

These are dishes at Boda. MUY RICO(very delicious).....It was so luckey they were not so spicy Because I don't care for spicy food.

*Chile Hojaldrado(A chile inside the pie.)
*Medallones de pollo rellenos de camaron en salsa de salmon (Chiken with salmon sause)
*Delicia de fresa(strawberry desert)
*Pay de Guayaba(guava desert)


ReyLynda said...

WOW what beautiful photos! I'm so glad that you had a chance to have some cultural fun as well as AMAZING food! Congratulations to your friend, she and her husband look beautiful and very happy!

Anonymous said...

It looks like such a gorgeous wedding! It must have been so interesting comparing Japanese and Mexican weddings? When you get married- what kind of wedding will you have? :-)

Anonymous said...

I think this was a pertty wedding yo tambien soy de mexico y espero tener mi boda asi de bonita.