Friday, October 10, 2008


The other day I had a cup of "Macha Moca (Mocha green tea ,抹茶モカ)" at Yojiya in Tokyo Haneda Airport. Yojiya is well known as a cosmetic shop in Kyoto, especially one of their products "Abratorigami (Oil- Blotting Facial Paper)" is very popular among women. I guess all young women know about it!!

Although I didn't know that they have some coffee shops in Kyoto and Tokyo. But when I saw their symbol at airport, I recognized at once, because it is also well known.

As you can see in these photos, the face of the top of the drink is the symbol of the Yojiya.
Anyway, the face is pretty , isn't it??? If you have a chance to visit Kyoto or Tokyo(only Haneda airport), I think it's nice to visit, especially for women!


Otro día tomé una taza de "Macha Moca (té verde Moca 抹茶モカ)" en Yojiya en aeropuerto de Tokio Haneda , Yojiya es muy conocido por una tienda de cosmética en Kioto, especialmente el producto "Abratorigami (no sé como se dice en eapañol , pero en ingles se llama Oil- Blotting Facial Paper)" es muy popular entre las chicas.
Creo que toda chicas lo conocen.

Entonces la cara de bebida es muy bonita. Si tenéis una oportunidad de visitar Kioto o Tokio (solo en el aeropuerto de Haneda ) , creo que es bueno visitar.


Walter said...

Hello, Kasumi san.
It's totally cute!
Underneath the picture it looks like a regular capuccino with frothed milk on top. Is the taste any different with the macha on top ?
I assume the picture is made with macha ( powdered green tea ).

ablykins said...

That is so cool! How creative!

kazumi said...

Hi. Yes it is so cute.
Too cute to drink!!

Hi!!! How areyou ???