Monday, June 23, 2008


Do you know "Goya"?It's a kind of the vegitable, and is eaten very much in Okinawa where is an island in the south of Japan. When I was a child, I had never eaten. But this 5-6years, the dishes of Okinawa became very popular in Honshu(the main island on Japan. ) There are so many Okinawa dish restaurant in Tokyo now.
Recently I got some seeds of Goya , and now I grow them in the balcony.One of them has just sprouted out. I hope it will grow well.


¿Conoces "Goya"? No es sobre un pintor. Es una tipo de verdura se comen mucho en Okinawa donde es isla de Japón.Otro día me dio unas semillas de "Goya". Ahora estoy criandolas en balcon de mi casa. Ha echadad un brote. Me alregre verlo. Espero que crezcan buen.

1 comment:

magushi said...

Hola Kazumi,soy de Buenos Aires,Argentina,y en los próximos días,voy a colocar en agua tibia las semillas de Goya,variedad blanco y verde ,e intento sembrarlas en el jardín,en un par de semanas comienza la primavera y con mayor temperatura germinen bien,me agrada mucho esta rica verdura.Saludos.Marcelo