Today I went to strawberry picking. Recently it hadn't been bad wether here, but today it was so beautiful day. As you can see the pictures, the color of strawberry was very red, was very sweet. The taste of fresh-picked strawberries is best!!!
These pictures are beautiful... and the colours look fantastic. This is taken by your camera, right?
>alvarny I took these pictures by my new mobile phone. it is 1.28 megapixel. I am using this one.
>kino we ate so many , you should go ,it is very good time!
I am a Japanese woman who is trying keeping this blog in English. ****
I like to travel abroad. I like to see new place ,to try new taste and to know new people. I am happy , if you leave a comment.
Mucho gusto. Me llamo Kazumi , soy japonesa que vivo en Tokio.
Estoy estudiando español.
Para mí no es facíl. Pero Tengo ganas. ¡Gracias!
These pictures are beautiful... and the colours look fantastic. This is taken by your camera, right?
cute! I haven't had strawberries yet this year.
I took these pictures by my new mobile phone. it is 1.28 megapixel. I am using this one.
we ate so many , you should go ,it is very good time!
Oh my goodness, that is a very impressive phone.... I wish I have that here.
Your phone takes some great pictures! I have enjoyed eating Japanese strawberries! They are much sweeter than most of the strawberries in California!
>It it true the strawberries in Japan is sweeter than ones in States. Have you tried apples in japan? They are also so sweet here!!!
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