These photos show "Hakata Dontaku Port Festival" which I went to see today. "Hakata" is the place name where in central Fukuoka, Northern Japan. The word "Dontaku" is original came from the word "zondag" that meand holiday in Dutch. This festival is taken place on May 3rd and 4th every year, it is one of the most biggest event during Goldenweek. Actually according TV news, it was said that more than 2 million people would be there.
There were so many people by the street to see the parade which about 400 groups(16000people)joined.
I loved the pictures of the Hawks and the Power Rangers! It's been really amazing to see how much fun people have during Golden Week. Aime and I were on our way to Yokosuka the other day driving the 357, and there were long lines of cars -- people trying to get into Sea Paradise!
I am a Japanese woman who is trying keeping this blog in English. ****
I like to travel abroad. I like to see new place ,to try new taste and to know new people. I am happy , if you leave a comment.
Mucho gusto. Me llamo Kazumi , soy japonesa que vivo en Tokio.
Estoy estudiando español.
Para mí no es facíl. Pero Tengo ganas. ¡Gracias!
I loved the pictures of the Hawks and the Power Rangers! It's been really amazing to see how much fun people have during Golden Week. Aime and I were on our way to Yokosuka the other day driving the 357, and there were long lines of cars -- people trying to get into Sea Paradise!
Because of the Hawks' base is Fukuoka, I can see many Hawks character here. Yes, now everywhere is so crowded, be careful!
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