Wednesday, November 16, 2005


Today I ate Ramen. It is noodle originally from China. Now it is very popular in Japan, there are so many kind of soup. My favorite soup which is called Tonkotsu is made from pork bone. It is so yummy.

There are so many Tonkotsu Ramen restaurants. I went to one of them, which has very strange style to serve. Their motto is to eat so delicious, you shouldn’t care your face while you are eating. If you go inside the restaurant, you will see the counter with partition like a polling place. Sitting on the chair, you have to fill a form to order how thick the taste , how hard the noodle, which kind of the leek , how much garlic ,and so on. After Ramen comes, the small curtain in front you is closed. There is a water tap in your parted space, so if you want more water , you don't have to ask the server. Even if you go with someone, your face isn’t looked by anybody when you are eating.

Isn’t interesting style?Anyway the Ramen was soooo delicious!!


Em said...

So how bowls did you have and will be goin to the restaurant again any time soon?

Anonymous said...

hi! I just surfed in by random. I like your blog, i will come again often!

= from Singapore

kazumi said...

Thank you for your comment.

They serve from front.
The curtain is opened about 30cm.
After serving, they closed

I want to go soon, but I don't know, because there are some Tonkotsu Ramen restaurants I like.

I am happy.
Come again.

Em said...

Kazumi san

If you go again.Take pics and put dem up ok

Then I will take pics of my lunch today and put up in my blog as well we exchange and hv a look-see.

Unknown said...


kazumi said...


佐波勉 said...
