Friday, November 04, 2005


Today I got up early to watch sumo, but not a sumo match, I went to watch the morning exercises. They came to my town for the Fuyubasyo (November tournament). It has not started yet but they already came here to prepare for it. They have 6 big tournaments a year. Usually they do early morning exercises. After that they have breakfast. They have a special dish called Cyanko. Now we can eat that at some restaurants which are managed by ex-sumo wrestlers. Well, sumo is a traditional sport in Japan. It is a match fought by 2 wrestlers in a Dohyo (sumo ring). They have many rules called Shikitari. Sumo wrestler put on only a silken loincloth called Mawashi, and their hair style, called Mage, is old fashioned.

These years sumo is getting popular overseas. They held a tournament in Las Vegas last month and the number of wrestlers from foreign countries is increasing little by little. They are so strong. Some old people think it is not nice if only wrestlers from overseas can be the strongest wrestlers called Yokozuna , because sumo is a national sport in Japan.

This morning I saw about 10 sumo wrestlers and 3 coaches. One of the coaches was a Yokozuna. They are so big. I saw one wrestler from Russia. He seemed to understand it well. For us the world of sumo is tough. I can’t imagine how hard it was for him to get used to it.


Anonymous said...

I have heard so much about sumo wrestling, and I heard they were around together with the samurai.

My friend told me that while these people are huge, they are also very healthy.

I wonder if that is true.

kazumi said...

Thank you for your comments.

Sumo wrestlers must be taller than 175cm , and hevier than 75kg at least. You can imagine how big they are.

Anonymous said...

You sure they only eat twice a day?

Anonymous said...

I am about 1.76 and I weigh about 64kg, time for me to eat more.

kazumi said...

Yes, it is truethat they eat twice a day!