In Japan , person who is attending wedding ceremony is expected to bring some cash in the special envelop "oshugi-bukuro" for the wedding gift. This custom is called "oshugi".
So how much you have to send as a gift? What do you think? It is depends on your relationship and position with the couple. I think the average is 30000yen(about$275), if you are friend of the couple. I am going to send my friend 30000yen for the "oshugi". It is OK but when some friends married almost same time, it was so hard to attend.....
hello :)
Here every wedding is different, but the bride and groom usually make a list of the presents that they want with the prices. Later the family, friends and other invited people select one or more and buy it for them. Sometimes some friends join their money and buy a best present. This is a good way for give something expensive without pay lot of money. But there are people who still give money to the bride and groom, like old people.
Oh yes it varies depend on countries. Your style of present is more convinient for couple and the attendant.
Because the couple have to think return in japan, I mean , tomorroe I will send my friends some money, and they will give some present usually.
Such luvly envelopes...How much are dey?
I bought them 105yen each, but the average price of these kinds of envelopes is 300yen -400yen.
When you say that the average is about $275, I presume it is in USD. In Singapore, we give a lot less... much lesser, in fact.
Yes, when you are at the age when all your friends are getting married at the same time, you feel happy for them, but you will feel the pinch too.
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