Sunday, December 04, 2005

Lottery (takarakuji)

We have some big lottery called "takarakuji" in Japanese. Now they are selling "nenmatsu-jumbo(means big lottery at the end of year )". The 1st prize is 200000000yen(about$1660000), if you buy consequence you might have a chance to get 3000000000yen(about$2500000).

The other day I bought some "nenmatu jumbo takarakuji" in a famous shop where is said many people win. Sooooo many people. Guess how long I waited for getting lottery. The answer is 75minutes. hahaha. It is OK. I bought dream...
If I win, ... If I win, ....


Unequivocal_Prowess said...

I love your website and good luck with the lottery!

Em said...

Good luck Kazumi san...

Are u still on holidays...Anyway take care..

kazumi said...

Thank you guys.
If I win...., still thinking.

Em said...

Kazumi san

If u win keep some save some and treat ur fellow bloggers... heheh

kazumi said...

hahaha , let me think after I won.