Monday, December 19, 2005

Only for woman

If you go to the center of Tokyo, you might be surprised that too many people in the trains, especially in the morning. Sometimes more than twice or 3 times as the capacity. Everyone push you, and you can't do anything.

To our shame, there are some people called "chikan" who touch woman's body on purpose in the crowded train.
So to reduce chikan people and to protect women from a sexul crime, some railway companies introduced a new system .
They decided one car of each train for only woman in the morning. (Exactly saying , it is not for only women but also for the boys under 12 years old.)
Isn't surprising?


Em said...

An all women's train(excluding the boys tho)wat a wonderful idea..

Hmm wonder if Singapore will come up wif a similar idea...

Anonymous said...

Is it enough? It is just one carriage per train, right? How can it fit in so many women?

I think Singapore does not need such a system yet. With such severe punishment, most people probably do not want to break the law.

kazumi said...

You think it is wonderful idea.
Me, too.
But to be honest I haven't try yet,maybe I should try first.

you're right.
One carriage per train.
It is not enough, maybe.
But if they increase more,some men maybe complain about that. Because even now some people said it is un fair.

kazumi said...


I think the crowded trains in Tokyo is much more than you guess. So some said it is unfair that the same train has different attendance-I mean, high or not.

Before I wrote this post , I checked some page about this problem. There are many kinds opinions. Screaming is one way for woman to protect herself, but at the same time we have some problem of being falsely accused, so some man say it is good idea. And most of women is willing to accept this new system, I think

It is little difficult to discuss these kind topics in English for me, but I hope you understand what I mean.

Jeruen said...

So they finally implemented it? When I was there, that was in the news, debating whether it is ok to make one or not. Actually, in Manila, they have that too, in the light rail transit.

Although I am a guy, it annoys me that other men act like that thus these measures are necessary. How pathetic these guys must be.

kazumi said...

I read the same oponions of yours.Some people annoyed and said most of men don' t do the action like "chikan". I wish we didn't have to think about that.